New A-Slash Archive Search Results

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32 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
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Title: Changing Suits - Spade (5 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: All things come to an end, but when it's sooner than expected, letting go can be a hard thing to do. 4/6
Sequel to: Changing Suits - Diamond
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Title: Important (1 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: pre-show, show, Stockwell era, post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Drablle for the 100fanfics prompt 'Smell'
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Title: 1000 Words (5 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: He sat down to write a list. A list of reasons. Reasons to stay.
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Title: Full Moon (34 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: pre-show, show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: pre-slash
Notes: For Halloween.
An image from this story can be found in my fanart section in photos.
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Title: IOU (14 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: show, post-show, missing scene
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no sex
Notes: Murdock remembers and 'I owe you' until he can think of something he really wants, and unfortunately for Face, he's thought of something.
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Title: Goodnight (24 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: show, missing scene
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: pre-slash
Notes: A dog is a man's best friend, and maybe something more.
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Title: Chance Encounter (23 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: Vietnam, pre-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: pre-slash; graphic sex
Notes: Being on leave is a time for drinking, women and fun. So in their first encounter, 2 out of 3 isn't bad.
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Title: Changing Suits - Wildcard (21 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: pre-slash; no sex
Notes: All things come to an end, but when it's sooner than expected, letting go can be a hard thing to do. 6/6
Sequel to: Changing Suits - Joker
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Title: Changing Suits - Club (5 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: All things come to an end, but when it's sooner than expected, letting go can be a hard thing to do. 2/6
Sequel to: Changing Suits - Heart
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Title: Changing Suits - Heart (6 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: All things come to an end, but when it's sooner than expected, letting go can be a hard thing to do. 1/6
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Title: Changing Suits - Diamond (6 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: All things come to an end, but when it's sooner than expected, letting go can be a hard thing to do. 3/6
Sequel to: Changing Suits - Club
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Title: Ol' Brown Eyes (4 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: show, missing scene
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no sex; no warnings
Notes: Something so simple as the colour of a person's eyes can sometimes be the most important thing.
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Title: Billy (8 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Over time Murdock had overcome most of his psychoses, stopped seeing people and things that weren't there. All except Billy.
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Title: Changing Suits - Joker (8 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G Richmond
Category: post-show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: death; no warnings
Notes: All things come to an end, but when it's sooner than expected, letting go can be a hard thing to do. 5/6
Sequel to: Changing Suits - Spade
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Title: Sleepover (23 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G. Richmond
Category: show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no warnings
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Title: The Horse and the Wolf (9 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: G. Richmond
Category: show
Pairing: Face/Murdock
Warning: no sex
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Title: Celebrating the Fourth (3 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: post-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
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Title: Forgiveness (4 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
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Title: AlmaMater (19 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: post-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Notes: This story references both 'An Unexpected Peace-on-Earth Encounter', by HannibalFan52 and 'In-Laws', by Jullian Gray
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Title: Number Two (2 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: show, missing scene
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Written in response to the 'Only Church in Town' missing scene challenge on the A-Slash list
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Title: Beginnings 4A: Letter to Mama (2 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Note: Metrushka (or Matryoshka) dolls: nesting dolls that originated in Russia

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Title: Birthday Surprises (13 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: post-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
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Title: Good for the Soul (6 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
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Title: Orphaned in L.A. (41 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: post-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: death; no warnings
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Title: The Other Side of the Story (5 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: show, missing scene
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
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Title: First Sight (3 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52
Category: Vietnam, pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: pre-slash; no warnings
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Title: Beginnings 3 - Pretty Little Horses (95 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52 and Jullian Gray
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Notes: 1. The title comes from a lullaby called 'All the Pretty Little Horses'. Tradition says it was written by a black slave woman who was caring for her master's baby, and couldn't pay attention to her own child.
2. Cartagena: The Latin name for Carthage, home of the original Hannibal
3. Gelding: a stallion that has been neutered

Sequel to: Beginnings 2 - Three's a Crowd
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Title: Beginnings 4: Diversionary Tactics (65 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52 and Jullian Gray
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Notes: 1. The town of Fairplay, CO is real.
2. Tammany Hall: corrupt political machine that pretty much ran New York City in the late 19th/early 20th century
3. The Front Page: 1928 comedy about newspaper reporters covering a criminal trial; filmed twice by the original title, and once as His Girl Friday

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Title: Beginnings 5: Soldiers of Fortune (94 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52 and Jullian Gray
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: graphic sex
Notes: Notes: 1. Middle Eastern names: Haidar (Arabic; lion); Arslan (lion); Halima (patience); Selim (Muslim; one who is peaceful, happy); Ibrahim (Muslim; father of the people); Sirhan (Muslim; wolf); Abdul (Arabic; servant); Nusair (Arabic; bird of prey); al-Saif (Arabic; 'the sword'); Banu (a title that translates as 'lady')
2. The geographical locations mentioned are real.
3. Dee Ren-jie: proper name of Judge Dee, main character in a series of Chinese- style mystery novels by Robert van Gulik

Sequel to: Beginnings 4: Diversionary Tactics
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Title: Beginnings 1 - Heritage (145 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52 and Jullian Gray
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
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Title: Beginnings 2 - Three's a Crowd (58 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52 and Jullian Gray
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Sequel to: Beginnings 1 - Heritage
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Title: Fish (54 K) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: HannibalFan52 and Jullian Gray
Category: pre-show
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Warning: no warnings
Notes: Inspired by 'The Summer of 1973' by Jullian Gray
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